Embed the rates table on your website

Navasan exchange rate widget allows you to display the latest and most up-to-date price tables on your website or blog.

This widget is very easy to use. If you have a wordpress website, you can download this as a plugin and install it on your WordPress.

If you are using other platforms, just copy and paste the given lines of code in the HTML content of your page, where you want to display the rates table.

It is Absolutely Free!

Download Wordpress plugin

Other platforms need to include this HTML

<div id="navasan_table_container"></div>
<script>function navasanret(data){document.getElementById('navasan_table_container').innerHTML=JSON.parse(data)}</script>
<script src="http://www.navasan.tech/wp-navasan.php?usd&eur&gbp&aed_note&try&jpy&aud&nzd&cad&sgd&chf&pkr&azn&nok&sek&dkk&kwd&omr&rub&brl&thb&afn&inr&cny&myr&gel&usd_sherkat&usd_shakhs&aed&eur_hav&gbp_hav&hav_cad_cheque&aud_hav&myr_hav&cny_hav&try_hav&jpy_hav&btc&eth&xrp&bch&eos&bnb&usdt&pp&mex_usd_sell&mex_usd_buy&mex_eur_sell&mex_eur_buy&xau&usd_xau&18ayar&sekkeh&bahar&nim&rob&abshodeh&gerami&bub_sekkeh&bub_bahar&bub_nim&bub_rob&bub_18ayar&bub_gerami"></script>

By default, all available currencies are displayed in the table. you can manage your own list of cuurrencies from the admin widget if you are using WordPress, or if you are using the HTML code above, change the source script address to match the currencies you want.

For example, the code below will only show US dollar and euro on your page.

<div id="navasan_table_container"></div>
<script>function navasanret(data){document.getElementById('navasan_table_container').innerHTML=JSON.parse(data)}</script>
<script src="http://www.navasan.tech/wp-navasan.php?usd&eur"></script>


If you need an API to generate your own app or widget, visit our Web Service for Gold, Coins and currencies

API Guide